01/26/2024 Sunday Service 主日禮拜 :
將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行
直播 Live : 上午十點後,可由點擊下列 “YouTube 網址” 進入參加網站直播禮拜
If you cannot join the service at church (10 AM),
Please click on the link below for the virtual Sunday Service:
1.本主日禮拜感謝Pastor Lou Bury前來主禮,願 上帝紀念他的辛苦。 Thanks to Pastor Lou Bury for the sermon today.
2. 下主日(二月2日) 舉行今年度第一次聖餐,請預備心來參加。
The first Holy Communion of the year will be held during the service on 2/2. Please prepare your heart.
3. 下主日禮拜之後的愛餐為舊曆年Pot Luck。有意願參與餐點的兄姊請向林碧蓉執事填入要提供的食物。
After next Sunday Service, it will be pot luck lunch for Lunar New Year, please fill in the dish you would like to bring in with Deacon Julie Wu.
4. 禮拜六(二月1日)上午10時於 WeBex 召開長執會。
A consistory meeting via Webex will be held on 2/1 (Sat) at 10 am.
5. 禮拜六(二月1日) 下午社青於邵淑宇姐妹的家有聚餐交誼活動,歡迎社青兄弟姐妹向沛芸長老登記參加。
The young adults will have a luncheon and social gathering at Sister Scarlett Shao’s home on Saturday afternoon (2/1), please register with Elder Patricia Tsao to participate.
【代禱&關懷Intercession and Concerns】
1. 教會Church ministry:為主日禮拜牧師、同服事的長執、兄姊。為社青的聚會&兄弟姐妹。Pray for Pastor Bury and the Sunday worship serving team. For the gathering of the young adults.
2. 家庭Family:為身體欠安或心靈軟弱的兄姐。為外出的兄姐。 Pray for those who are not feeling well or traveling.
3. 社區Community&世界World:美國新總統與內閣。為世人早日悔改歸向主。Pray for new U.S. President and Cabinet. May the people of the world repent and turn to the Lord soon.
【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】
(Wed週三) 7:30PM 祈禱會 1/29 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting | 主理:曹沛芸長老 |
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班 1/31 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting | 主理:陳牧師 查經主題:價值 |
參加週三和週五聚會,請copy & paste下列 URL連結進入webex
或用電話進入:415-655-0001 Access Code:126 086 8176 #
Sun 1/26/25 | Mon 1/27/25 | Tue 1/28/25 | Wed 1/29/25 | Thur 1/30/25 | Fri 1/31/25 | Sat 2/1/25 |
馬太福音 Matthew 26章 | 馬太福音 Matthew 27章 | 馬太福音 Matthew 28章 | 詩篇 Psalms 71篇 | 詩篇 Psalms 84篇 | 詩篇 Psalms 127-128 | 但以理書 Daniel 1章 |