Filter CategoriesFilter - All TCC Young Adult Retreat 2024-09-20 芝城長老教會五十五週年慶祝感恩禮拜 2024-05-18 Good Friday 台語教會聯合聖餐禮拜 2024-03-29 TCC 社青年終感恩節火鍋聚餐 2023-11-19 Memorial Weekend 聯誼聚餐活動 2023-05-27 元宵搓湯圓敬拜讚美 2023-02-05 社青家庭春節活動 2023-01-22 Thanksgiving Gathering 2022-11-26 兒童主日學感恩節獻詩 2022-11-20 TCC Apple Picking 2022-10-09 Birthday Party 2022-05-29 Bonnie and Justin Baby Shower 2023-05-22 TCC Fullerburg Trip 2022-4-24
Filter CategoriesFilter - All TCC Young Adult Retreat 2024-09-20 芝城長老教會五十五週年慶祝感恩禮拜 2024-05-18 Good Friday 台語教會聯合聖餐禮拜 2024-03-29 TCC 社青年終感恩節火鍋聚餐 2023-11-19 Memorial Weekend 聯誼聚餐活動 2023-05-27 元宵搓湯圓敬拜讚美 2023-02-05 社青家庭春節活動 2023-01-22 Thanksgiving Gathering 2022-11-26 兒童主日學感恩節獻詩 2022-11-20 TCC Apple Picking 2022-10-09 Birthday Party 2022-05-29 Bonnie and Justin Baby Shower 2023-05-22 TCC Fullerburg Trip 2022-4-24