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03/02/2024 週報

03/02/2024 Sunday Service 主日禮拜 :
將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行
直播 Live : 上午十點後,可由點擊下列 “YouTube 網址” 進入參加網站直播禮拜
If you cannot join the service at church (10 AM),
Please click on the link below for the virtual Sunday Service:

【消息報告 Announcements】 

1. 願意在復活節(四月 20 日) 受洗,接受主耶穌救恩的慕道朋友; 或是已受洗,願意成為本教會會員的兄姐,請向陳牧師報名,並參加三月 16 日開始的受洗、轉入會籍的課程,共有三次課程。 

If you intend to be baptized or transfer your membership to TCC, please let  Pastor Chen know. There will be 3 lessons for baptism and transferring  membership. 

2. 禮拜六(三月八日)請記得在睡覺之前把時間撥快一個小時。 Don’t  forget to change an hour in advance on next Saturday for Daylight Saving time. 3. 下主日禮拜之後有社青每月一次的主日學,這次繼續研讀以斯帖記第三 章,請預留時間參加。There is a young fellowship next week after Sunday  service. We will continue Esther Chapter 3. 

4. 關懷: Rev. Walter Pickup 於 2/14 安息主懷,已於 2/23 舉行告別禮拜, 請為 Julia 牧師娘和遺族代禱。又, Susan Logan 姐妹於 2/28 安息主懷,請 彼此代禱。 

【代禱&關懷 Intercession and Concerns】 

1. 教會 Church ministry:為陳牧師、主日禮拜、同服事的長執、兄姊。 Pray for Pastor and the Sunday worship serving team. 

2. 家庭 Family:為中會牧師 Jewel’s husband Percy 安息主懷;為身體欠 安;為心靈軟弱的兄姐;為外出的兄姐。 Pray for Pastor Jewel’s husband  Percy and those who are not feeling well or traveling. 3. 社區與世界 Community&the World:為美國、台灣社會的安定。為世人 早日悔改歸向主。Pray for the stability of the society in the US and in Taiwan.  May the people of the world repent and turn to the Lord.

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】 
(Wed 週三) 7:30PM 祈禱會 3/05 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting主理:陳牧師
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班 3/07 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting主理:曹沛芸長老 查經主題:軟弱
Sun 3/2Mon 3/3Tue 3/4Wed 3/5Thurs 3/6Fri 3/7Sat 3/8
啟示錄 Rev 2 章啟示錄 Rev 3 章啟示錄 Rev 4 章啟示錄 Rev 5 章啟示錄 Rev 6 章啟示錄 Rev 7 章啟示錄 Rev 8 章