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05/03/2020 週報

5/3/20 網路主日禮拜將於11:00am準時開始,請點一下 YouTube 畫面一起來崇拜 …

消息報告 Announcements

為配合政府防疫的措施,主日禮拜繼續在網路上舉行。每主日11 AM,請由網頁  進入參加主日視訊禮拜。 The extension of the home quarantine order for Illinois will be extended into May to help control the spread of COVID-19, so the Sunday service will remain online.

  1. 長執會決定:

>為教會事工、福音宣揚拓展上帝國、關懷軟弱,請繼續擺上關心,參與奉獻;可以將您奉獻的支票郵寄到教會來,或是從銀行直接以轉帳的方式進行奉獻。教會銀行的 Routing number# 271972572 account number#1444578299 教會全名:Taiwanese Community Church in Greater Chicago       Please keep praying and supporting the ministry of TCC. You may mail your offering to church or via direct transfer from your bank account.

>七月11日原訂前往印第安納州的一日遊,延後舉行.  7/11 Indiana (bus) day trip will be postponed.
>十月11-20 日的耶路撒冷之旅,延後舉行.  10/11-20 trip to Jerusalem will be postponed.
>八月原訂今年度退修會將改為培靈會,延後至十月9-11日舉行,地點在教會。The original scheduled Retreat this year will be changed to Revival and will be held between 10/9&10/11 at church.

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar


Sunday school

 (Sun週日) 9:45AM    暫停



Choir Practice

 (Sun週日) 1:30PM     暫停

Truth Sharing

 (Wed週三) 1:30PM    彼此關懷&禱告

Conference Call or LINE video



 (Wed週三) 2:30PM    暫停


查經聚會Bible Study (Fri.週五) 7:30PM      詩篇Psalm第一篇

Conference Call or LINE video


Prayer Meeting

 (Sat.週六) 11:00AM    暫停



PS:禮拜三Wednesday下午(1:30pm) & 禮拜五Friday晚上(7:30pm)

Conference Call: 電話Phone#:605-475-4000 / Code: 580349#

LINE Video: Join 請加入【TCCC Bible Study Group】


【本週靈修 讀經進度】

禮拜日(5/03) 路加福音Luke 6章
禮拜一(5/04) 路加福音Luke 7章
禮拜二(5/05) 路加福音Luke 8章
禮拜三(5/06) 路加福音Luke 9章
禮拜四(5/07) 路加福音Luke 10章
禮拜五(5/08) 路加福音Luke 11章
禮拜六(5/09) 路加福音Luke 12章

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