禮拜於10:30 AM開始;地點: Lake Park, Lake Park South Pavilion(1012 Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018)。
This Sunday (6/16) 10:30am – The Chicago Taiwanese Church Joint Father’s Day Outdoor service at Lake Park, Des Plaines.
2. 六月18日(禮拜二)10:30am~11:45am 關懷&團契組於教會二樓教室(禮拜堂側廳)舉行團契交誼聚會,主題為:大家談。聚會後教會備有簡單的午餐(Pizza),歡迎兄姊一起來參加。
3. 有負擔奉獻下一季(7-9月)禮拜後的愛餐的兄姊,請至布告欄來登記。(每次愛餐可自由向教會申請補助$150)
Please sign up on the bulletin board if you wish to serve lunch meals for the Sundays of next quarter.
4.因逢暑假孩子回台灣,兒童主日學暫停至七月21日再開始。Children’s Sunday school class is suspended due to the summer vacation (will be resumed on 7/21).
【代禱&關懷Intercession and Concerns】
1.教會Church ministry:為教會的福音宣揚、一切聖工代禱。 Pray for every sacred work and mission of the church, obey the will of the Lord and be preserved by the Lord.
2.家庭Family:為兄弟姊妹的身、心、靈健康與強壯。為外出的兄弟姊妹平安。Pray for God’s mercy and blessings to keep our brothers and sisters in Christ healthy and strong physically, mindfully, and spiritually.
3.社區Community&世界World:為台灣的執政者有智慧、社會和睦&眾教會。為世界多處的戰爭早日平息。 Pray for Taiwan’s society, the nation leaders, the churches, and the harmony between people. Pray that the wars in many parts of the world will end soon.
【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】
(Wed週三) 7:30PM 祈禱會 6/19 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting | 主理:謝英蘭長老 |
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班 6/21 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting | 主理:陳牧師 傳道書 1-2 |
參加週三和週五聚會,請copy & paste下列 URL連結進入webex
或用電話進入:650-479-3208 Access Code:126 086 8176 #
Sun 6/16/24 | Mon 6/17/24 | Tue 6/18/24 | Wed 6/19/24 | Thu 6/20/24 | Fri 6/21/24 | Sat 6/22/24 |
詩篇 Psalm 145-146 | 詩篇 Psalm 147 | 詩篇 Psalm 148-150 | 腓立比Philippi. 1章 | 腓立比Philippi.2章 | 腓立比Philippi.3章 | 腓立比Philippi.4章 |