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08/25/2024 週報

08/25/2024 Sunday Service 主日禮拜 :
將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行
直播 Live : 上午十點後,可由點擊下列 “YouTube 網址” 進入參加網站直播禮拜
If you cannot join the service at church (10 AM),
Please click on the link below for the virtual Sunday Service:

【消息報告 Announcements】
  1. 本主日感謝 Rev. Walter Pickup 前來主禮禮拜,願主賜福。

Thanks to Rev. Walter Pickup for the sermon today.

  • 禮拜六(31 日) 10AM 於 WeBex 召開長執會。A Consistory meeting will be held on Saturday (8/31) via WeBex.
  • 九月 7 日 10:15AM 台語教會聯合敬老會假台福教會舉辦,細節請看公佈欄。長執會議決凡本會兄姐參加者,午餐費用由教會支出,但須要先報名。請向永茂執事報名,至下主日(九月 1 日)截止。 Senior Day will be held at 10:15 AM on 9/7, please contact Deacon Andrew to register for the lunch before 9/1.
  • 本主日下午 1-3 PM 吳永吉醫師等人 WHO-TOO 聯合畫展&特別介紹,假 Indian Prairie Library (401 Plainfield RD., Darien) 舉行,歡迎兄姐自由前往觀賞。The Who-Too art exhibition will be held between 1PM and 3PM today at Indian Prairie Library (401 Plainfield RD, Darien).
  • 社青於九月 20-22 日外出舉辦社青退修會,陳牧師擔任講師,沛芸長老籌劃一切細節。 The Young Adults retreat will be held between 9/20 and 9/22. It has been planned by Elder Patricia. The speaker will be Pastor Chen.
  • 本會林哲臣醫師夫婦於近日遷往北加州,請代禱並願主同在。
【代禱&關懷 Intercession and Concerns】
  1. 教會 Church ministry:為每主日禮拜與同服事的兄姐;為教會&社青的退修會籌備。為兒童主日學老師與學生;為社青的家庭和聚會。Pray for the Sunday worship serving team, for the preparation of retreat, for children’s Sunday school; for families and gatherings of young adults.
  2. 家庭 Family:求主憐憫與醫治身體欠安的兄姐。求主引導與保守外出的兄姐。 Pray for God’s mercy and healing to keep our brothers and sisters in good health and pray for those who are away from home.
  • 社區 Community&世界 World:為美國總統的選舉,能有一位敬畏主的領導者。為福音在台灣早日遍傳。為世界多處戰爭中受苦的百姓。 Pray for the Lord to take control of the United States in the presidential election in November, for the gospel to spread throughout Taiwan, and pray for the people who are suffering during the war.
【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】
(Wed 週三) 7:30PM 祈禱會 8/28 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting主理:謝雅怜姐妹
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班 8/30 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting主理:陳牧師 雅歌書第一章

參加週三和週五聚會,請 copy & paste 下列 URL 連結進入 webex

或用電話進入:650-479-3208 Access Code:126 086 8176 #

Sun 8/25/24 Mon 8/26/24 Tue 8/27/24 Wed 8/28/24 Thu 8/29/24 Fri 8/30/24 Sat 8/31/24 以賽亞 Isaiah 40-41 章 以賽亞 Isaiah 42-43 章 以賽亞 Isaiah 44-45 章 以賽亞 Isaiah 46-47 章 以賽亞 Isaiah 48 章 以賽亞 Isaiah 49 章 以賽亞 Isaiah 50 章