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4/28/2024 週報

4/28/2024 Sunday Service 主日禮拜 :
將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行
直播 Live : 上午十點後,可由點擊下列 “YouTube 網址” 進入參加網站直播禮拜 
If you cannot join the service at church (10 AM),
Please click on the link below for the virtual Sunday Service:

Apr 28, 2024 Service (


  1. 本主日禮拜感謝陳煒仁牧師前來主禮,願主紀念一切服事。本堂陳牧師在樓下教師教導兒童主日學。Thanks to Pastor Chen for the sermon today.
  2. 本主日禮拜後,宣教組鄧培德長老將介紹今年靈修會的相關事宜,請一起來關心。After the service, the mission team will share the relevant matters of this year’s retreat.
  3. 本主日禮拜後在樓下為奇璋兄&秋華姐夫婦在舉行惜別會,請兄姊留步一起來參加,並為他們代禱。After the service, we will say goodbye to John & Betty Lee in the downstairs fellowship room as they are relocating to Los Angeles.
  4. 長執會議決:為關心花蓮玉山神學院在地震之後重建的需要,請兄弟姊妹為此代禱與奉獻,支票上請註明為玉神賑災。Encourage brothers and sisters to pray and give offerings for the needs of the Hualien earthquake.
  5. Des Plaines 長老教會訂於五月18日(禮拜六)上午十點舉行該教會設教五十五週年慶祝感恩禮拜;為準備午餐與紀念品,能參加的兄姊,請向英蘭長老報名,至五月5日截止。

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】

(Wed週三) 7:30PM  祈禱會
5/01 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班5/03 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting主理:陳牧師約翰一書第5章

參加週三和週五聚會,請copy & paste下列 URL連結進入webex或用電話進入:650-479-3208 Access Code:126 086 8176 #


Sun4/28/2024  Mon4/29/2024  Tue4/30/2024  Wed5/01/2024  Thu5/02/2024  Fri5/03/2024  Sat5/04/2024  