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5/05/2024 週報

4/28/2024 Sunday Service 主日禮拜 :
將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行
直播 Live : 上午十點後,可由點擊下列 “YouTube 網址” 進入參加網站直播禮拜
If you cannot join the service at church (10 AM),
Please click on the link below for the virtual Sunday Service:


1. Des Plaines 長老教會訂於五月18日(禮拜六)上午十點舉行該教會設教五十五週年慶祝感恩禮拜;為準備午餐與紀念品,能參加的兄姊,請向英蘭長老報名,至本主日(五月5日)截止。 Des Plaines Presbyterian Church will be holding The 55th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service on 5/18. Please let Elder Eleanor know if you wish to attend.             

2. 下主日(五月12日)適逢母親節,歡迎邀請家人、親友一起來參加禮拜,歌頌主愛。 Next Sunday is Mother’s Day, so please invite your family and friends to celebrate together.

3. 禮拜六(五月11日)芝加哥中會假 New Life Church, New Lenox 召開春季議會,陳牧師與培德長老代表參加。                    4.長執會議決:為關心花蓮玉山神學院在地震之後重建的需要,請兄弟姊妹為此代禱與奉獻,支票上請註明為玉神賑災。Encourage brothers and sisters to pray and give offering for the needs of the Hualien earthquake.

【代禱&關懷Intercession and Concerns】

1.教會Church ministry:為教會的聖工、使命,遵主心意,蒙主保守。 Pray for every sacred work and mission of the church, obey the will of the Lord and be preserved by the Lord.

2.家庭Family:為主內兄弟姊妹的身、心、靈健康與強壯(秀麗姐、美雲姐……)。為外出的兄弟姊妹平安。Pray for God’s mercy and blessings to keep our brothers and sisters in Christ healthy and strong physically, mindfully, and spiritually.

3.社區Community&世界World:為人與  上帝的和好,人與人之間的和睦、國與國的和平。 Pray for the reconciliation of man to God, the peace between men, and the peace between nations.      

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】
(Wed週三) 7:30PM  祈禱會
5/08 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班 5/10 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting主理:鄧培德 馬可福音第11-12章

參加週三和週五聚會,請copy & paste下列 URL連結進入webex

或用電話進入:650-479-3208 Access Code:126 086 8176 #

Sun 5/5/2024 Mon 5/6/2024 Tue 5/7/2024 Wed 5/8/2024 Thu 5/9/2024 Fri 5/10/2024 Sat 5/11/2024 
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