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5/12/2024 週報

5/12/2024 Sunday Service 主日禮拜 :
將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行
直播 Live : 上午十點後,可由點擊下列 “YouTube 網址” 進入參加網站直播禮拜
If you cannot join the service at church (10 AM),
Please click on the link below for the virtual Sunday Service:


1  本主日適逢一年一度母親節,願 上帝賞賜恩典在每位母親與家

Today is Mother’s Day. May the Lord bless every mother and their family.       

2. 五月18日(禮拜六)芝城台灣基督長老教會歡慶設教五十五週年,十時開始舉行感恩禮拜歡迎參加;本會聖歌隊前往獻詩同頌主恩。The Des Plaines Presbyterian Church will be holding a 55th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service on 5/18. The TCC choir will be attending the ceremony.

3. 長執會議決:為關心花蓮玉山神學院在地震之後重建的奉獻,將在第四主日(五月26日)截止,若有感動奉獻的兄姊,支票上請註明為玉神賑災。Encourage brothers and sisters to pray and give offerings for the needs of the people affected by the Hualien earthquake. The offerings will be taken until 5/26.                 

4. 下主日(五月19日)禮拜之後有社青成人主日學,請參加。Young Adults Sunday School will be held next week after the service.

【代禱&關懷Intercession and Concerns】

1.教會Church ministry:為教會的聖工、使命,遵主心意,蒙主保守。 Pray for every sacred work and mission of the church, obey the will of the Lord, and be preserved by the Lord.

2.家庭Family:為主內兄弟姊妹的身、心、靈健康與強壯(秀麗姐、美雲姐……)。為外出的兄弟姊妹平安。Pray for God’s mercy and blessings to keep our brothers and sisters in Christ healthy and strong physically, mindfully, and spiritually.

3.社區Community&世界World:為人與  上帝的和好,人與人之間的和睦、國與國的和平。 Pray for the reconciliation of man to God, the peace between men, and the peace between nations.      

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】
(Wed週三) 7:30PM  祈禱會
5/15 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班 5/17 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting主理:鄧培德 馬可福音第13-14章

參加週三和週五聚會,請copy & paste下列 URL連結進入webex

或用電話進入:650-479-3208 Access Code:126 086 8176 #

Sun 5/12/24 Mon 5/13/24 Tue 5/14/24 Wed 5/15/24 Thu 5/16/24 Fri 5/17/24 Sat 5/18/24 
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