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10/20/2024 週報

10/20/2024 Sunday Service 主日禮拜 :
將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行
直播 Live : 上午十點後,可由點擊下列 “YouTube 網址” 進入參加網站直播禮拜
If you cannot join the service at church (10 AM),
Please click on the link below for the virtual Sunday Service:


1. 本主日禮拜感謝Rev. Jewel Willis Thomas前來主禮禮拜。願上帝紀念一切的辛苦。

Thanks to Rev. Jewel Willis Thomasfor the sermon today.


Pastor Chen will be on vacation from 10/17 to 10/23, please contact Elder Peter Teng for any concerns.

3. 長執會議決十一月17日(第三主日)舉行感恩節禮拜以及愛餐。 十二月22日舉行聖誕節主日禮拜以及聖誕節愛餐。請兄弟姐妹預留這兩段時間,參加教會一年一度的感恩節禮拜與聖誕節禮拜。

From the Consistory meeting: The Thanksgiving service and love meal will be held on 11/17 (the third Sunday). A Christmas Sunday service and Christmas love meal will be held on 12/22. Please reserve your time to attend the church’s annual Thanksgiving service and Christmas service.

【代禱&關懷Intercession and Concerns】

1. 教會Church ministry:為主日禮拜Rev. Jewel Willis Thomas與同服事的兄姐;為兒童主日學。Pray for Rev. Jewel Willis Thomas and the Sunday worship serving team; for children’s Sunday school.

2. 家庭Family:求主憐憫與醫治身體欠安的兄姐。求主引導與保守外出的兄姐。 Pray for God’s mercy and healing to keep our brothers and sisters in good health and pray for those who are away from home.

3. 社區Community&世界World:為美國總統的選舉。為福音在台灣遍傳。為世界多處戰爭中受苦的百姓。 Pray for the US presidential election in November, for the gospel to spread throughout Taiwan, and pray for the people who are suffering during the war.

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar】
(Wed週三) 7:30PM  祈禱會
10/23 Prayer (WebEx) Meeting
(Fri 週五) 7:30PM 查經班 10/25 Bible Study (WebEx) Meeting主理:曹沛芸長老 以斯帖記 2

參加週三和週五聚會,請copy & paste下列 URL連結進入webex

或用電話進入:650-479-3208 Access Code:126 086 8176 #

Sun 10/20/24Mon 10/21/24 Tue 10/22/24 Wed 10/23/24 Thu 10/24/24 Fri 1025/24 Sat  10/26/24 
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