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4/5/2020 週報

4/5 網路主日禮拜將於11:00am 開始,請一起準時來崇拜 …


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 本主日為棕樹主日開始受難週,請自己在家安靜與主同行。This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the start of the Passion Week, please prepare your hearts.
  2. 為配合政府防疫的措施,四月份的主日禮拜繼續在網路上舉行。請由本教會的網頁(網址在週報封面最下列),進入參加主日視訊禮拜。 President Trump announced the extension of the home quarantine date to April 30 to help control the spread of COVID-19, so the Sunday service will remain online in April.

>為教會事工、福音宣揚拓展上帝國、關懷軟弱,請繼續擺上關心,參與奉獻;可以將您奉獻的支票郵寄到教會來。Please keep praying and supporting the ministry of TCC. You may mail your offering to church, or give your offering when we resume regular Sunday services.

  1. 台灣學校將贈送給該校的會員每人一個台灣來的口罩,非會員的兄姊或朋友,若有需要口罩,請向鍾美雲姊妹洽詢。Each Taiwanese school member will receive one mask from Taiwan. If you are not a member but wish to have one, please contact Mei-Yun Chung.
  2. 未來這一個月請每位兄姊繼續居家避疫或工作,但請盡量做以下幾件事: 常與家人交談,藉由電話、網路與親友彼此關懷。 b.打電話進入教會的Conference room 參加電話禱告會。c.按照進度多讀聖經思想上帝恩典、多為他人禱告、多付出關心他人,施比受更為有福。In the coming month, please stay at home to avoid the epidemic whenever possible, and try to do the following: (A) Talk to your family often, and care for your relatives, friends, and neighbors using phone or Internet.  (B) Call into the church conference room to attend a telephone prayer meeting.  (C) Read the Bible and think of God’s grace often; pray more and care for others, because giving is more blessed than receiving.
  3. 若家庭或個人遇到困難請與牧師聯絡,教會將盡力來協助。If you or your family encounter difficulties, please contact pastor and the church will do its best to assist.

PS: 禮拜三下午,電話彼此關懷與彼此代禱:

Prayer Meeting on Wednesday. Please call:

電話Phone#:605-475-4000 / Code: 580349#

【本週靈修 讀經進度】

禮拜日(4/05) 馬可福音Mark 13章
禮拜一(4/06) 馬可福音Mark 14章
禮拜二(4/07) 馬可福音Mark 15章
禮拜三(4/08) 馬可福音Mark 16章
禮拜四(4/09) 利未記Leviticus 1-2章
禮拜五(4/10) 利未記Leviticus 3-4章
禮拜六(4/11) 利未記Leviticus 5-6章

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar


Sunday school

 (Sun週日) 9:45AM    暫停



Choir Practice

 (Sun週日) 1:30PM     暫停

Truth Sharing

 (Wed週三) 1:30PM    改為電話關懷禱告


 (Wed週三) 2:30PM    暫停



Bible Study

 (Fri.週五) 7:30PM     主耶穌受難日

網路視訊禮拜  (LINE)


Prayer Meeting

 (Sat.週六) 11:00AM    暫停



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