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08/02/2020 週報

8/02/2020 網路主日禮拜將於 10:00AM 開始,準時點一下 YouTube 畫面一起來崇拜 …

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 小會議決:
    >八月十六日教會恢復實體禮拜,禮拜時間為十點至十一點。亦可在網路禮拜,禮拜時間為下午兩點。恢復實體禮拜之前請繼續參加網路的禮拜 Normal Sunday Services will resume on 8/16.


  1. 長執會議決:

>預定下禮拜電梯完工之後,以 Email通知請兄姊一起來清潔教會禮拜堂。來協助清潔的兄姊需戴口罩,自備抹布與水桶。另外,需要有四台吸塵器。

  1. 教會恢復實體禮拜的相關細節,請看此週報的最後頁。Details of resuming Sunday Services – please see the last section of this bulletin.

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar


Sunday school

 (Sun週日) 9:45AM    暫停



Choir Practice

 (Sun週日) 1:30PM     暫停

Truth Sharing

 (Wed週三) 1:30PM    彼此關懷&禱告

Conference Call or LINE video



 (Wed週三) 2:30PM    暫停


查經聚會Bible Study (Fri.週五) 7:30PM      詩篇Psalms第16篇

Conference Call or LINE video


Prayer Meeting

 (Sat.週六) 11:00AM    暫停


PS:禮拜三Wednesday下午(1:30pm) & 禮拜五Friday晚上(7:30pm)

Conference Call: 電話Phone#:605-475-4000 / Code: 580349#

LINE Video: Join 請加入【TCCC Bible Study Group】

【本週靈修 讀經進度】

禮拜日(8/02) 使徒行傳Acts第26章
禮拜一(8/03) 使徒行傳Acts第27章
禮拜二(8/04) 使徒行傳Acts第28章
禮拜三(8/05) 約書亞記Joshua 1-2章
禮拜四(8/06) 約書亞記Joshua 3-4章
禮拜五(8/07) 約書亞記Joshua 5-6章
禮拜六(8/08) 約書亞記Joshua 7章



B. 禮拜中的安全:(負責長執:蘇淑玲長老)
>須用 Hand Sanitizer才進入禮拜堂參加禮拜、

C. 禮拜堂的出入:(負責長執:謝英蘭長老、李奇璋執事、李妙珠執事)
>避免手的接觸:♦ 教會大門固定打開的、
♦ 禮拜開始後,會友由聖歌隊員的禱告室進入禮拜堂、

D. 禮拜後:(負責長執:蘇俊文執事、Lily蔡執事 )

>請總務組與 Lily執事負責購買相關的清潔用品。



TCC Sunday Worship Service Resuming Plan

A. Time and method of worship: (Person in charge: Elder Peter Teng)

> The Sunday service starts at 10 o’clock and ends before 11 o’clock,
> Worship procedures are the same as online worship,
> There is no presider, the elder/deacon will only serve for reading the Bible scriptures.
> The Bible scriptures and hymns adopt PPT method, members can prepare their own Bible and hymnal book.
> There is no praise from the choir team,
> Please put your offering cash/check into the offering box by yourself,
> There’s no paper bulletin, the bulletin will be provided online (it will be sent to you via email and available on TCC website)
> Add transparent glass panels to the podiums

> At two o’clock in the afternoon on the Sunday, the Sunday service will be broadcasted on the church website to serve those who cannot attend worship service at church.

B. Safety during worship: (Person in charge: Elder Shu-ling Yen)
> You must wear a mask all the way into the church
> Visitors or members who do not have a mask, will be provided by the church,
> To enter the church, your body temperature will be tested,
> You must use Hand Sanitizer to enter the chapel to participate in worship,
> Sit according to the seat arrangement, the family can sit together,
> Seat records are kept for three weeks,
> The seating arrangement is arranged per Government’s regulation,
> The last two rows are reserved for visitors,
> If the weather is good (not raining and the temp is under “80 degrees”, all windows will be opened during the worship time,

C. Access to the chapel: (Person in charge: Elder Eleanor Chen, Deacon Pearl Wei & John Lee)
> Avoid body contact:

♦ The church door is wide open,
♦ as the service begins, the serving members will be met at the prayer room and then enter the chapel,
> Encourage brothers and sisters to enter and leave the church through the main door,
> The small side doors that used to enter the church from the parking lot are not opened,
> For those who cannot enter through the main gate, they can go in and out directly from the parking lot using elevator/lift,
> The designated elders/deacons are responsible for measuring the body temperature of the worshippers,
> Persons who are unwell, please stay at home to attend the Internet online service.

D. After the service: (Person in charge: Deacon Clark Su and  Deacon Lily Tsai)
> Lunch is no longer provided, please bring your own drinking water and snack,
> If you want to stay in the church to socialize, please wear a mask and keep it 6 feet distance.
> The general affairs team and Deacon Lily are responsible for purchasing related cleaning supplies.
> To learn about the state government’s regulations on opening for churches, follow the link:


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