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08/23/2020 週報

8/23/2020 主日禮拜: 將於 10:00AM 開始在教堂舉行

禮拜錄影: 下午兩點後即可由此播放 ( 點一下 YouTube 畫面一起來崇拜 … )


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 八月十六日起教會已經恢復實體禮拜。禮拜時間為十點到十一點;參加禮拜的兄姊請戴上口罩;禮拜後沒有聚餐交誼。無法來參加的兄姊,請在禮拜日下午兩點,由網路參加禮拜。 TCC has resumed worship service at church on 8/16, the service recording (video) shall be available on website by ~2PM.
  2. 教會恢復實體禮拜的相關細節,請看週報附加檔案。 Details of resuming Sunday Services – see attached file of this bulletin.
  3. 為教會奉獻的方式:可在教會禮拜時奉獻,或繼續以郵寄方式來奉獻,關心上帝國聖工的需要。You can give your offerings at church or continue mailing your offering check to church.支票請郵寄教會地址Church Address: 1420 S Meyers Rd., Lombard, IL. 60148
  4. 九月6日(九月第一主日)禮拜中舉行聖餐,請預備心參加。
    Holy Communion will be held on 9/6, please be prepared to participate.
  5. 8/29 Sat.10:30AM 於教會召開定期長執會Consistory meeting.
  6. 教會先前因冰雹所損傷的屋瓦,保險公司已經理賠且完成新屋瓦的更換。禮拜三開始連續三天,教會將更換新窗戶。 Church roof tiles, previously damaged by hail, the insurance company has already settled compensation and completed the new roof tiles.  Also, we will replace new windows for three consecutive days starting on 8/26 Wed.

【本週聚會 This Week’s Calendar


Sunday school

 (Sun週日) 9:45AM    暫停 Pause



Choir Practice

 (Sun週日) 1:30PM     暫停 Pause

Truth Sharing

 (Wed週三) 1:30PM    彼此關懷&禱告

           Conference Call or LINE video



 (Wed週三) 2:30PM    暫停 Pause


查經聚會Bible Study  (Fri.週五) 7:30PM     詩篇Psalms第32篇

           Conference Call or LINE video


Prayer Meeting

 (Sat.週六) 11:00AM    暫停 Pause


PS:禮拜三Wednesday下午(1:30pm) & 禮拜五Friday晚上(7:30pm)

 Conference Call: 電話Phone#:605-475-4000 / Code: 580349#

LINE Video: Join 請加入【TCCC Bible Study Group】

【本週靈修 讀經進度】

禮拜日(8/23) 羅馬書Romans 4章
禮拜一(8/24) 羅馬書Romans 5-6章
禮拜二(8/25) 羅馬書Romans 7章
禮拜三(8/26) 羅馬書Romans 8章
禮拜四(8/27) 羅馬書Romans 9-10章
禮拜五(8/28) 羅馬書Romans 11章
禮拜六(8/29) 羅馬書Romans 12章





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